
Thoughtful cucumber

For some cultures, mouth-feel is as important as taste ; this is the reason why the chinese insist on chewing things that doesn't even seem to qualify as food for westerners (chicken feet, rubber-like seafood).
Similarly, diet-obsessed people suffer from a common disease contracted by seeking the greenest, least caloric, and freshest foods : the cucumber-crunch addiction. Indeed, it is hard not to fall in love with the delicious sound of agony that a whole raw cucumber emits when eaten alive. It is almost as orgasmic as the first puff on a cigarette, and admittedly much healthier.

Here is a recipe that will give a whole new meaning to the culinary fellatio of our green friends : the stuffed cucumber. Take a small specimen, cut its head off, and dig a long channel in its soft core by delicately rotating a sharp knife around it. You can then stuff it with the sauce of your choice, possibly sweet sour and spicy, giving a warm contrast between the fresh crunch of the innocent vegetable and the intellectual bite of the sauce.

Ingredients :
  • Cucumber (prefer the small crunchy ones)
  • Cheese such as feta, goat cheese or ricotta
  • Star aniseed or fennel (crushed)
  • Balsamic vinegar or lemon
  • Garlic
  • Red thai chili peppers and chili oil
  • Olive oil
Instructions :
  1. Cut some garlic into small pieces.
  2. Mix in a bown the cheese, aniseed, vinegar, garlic, olive oil and chili peppers into a thick paste.
  3. Cut the head of the cucumber off.
  4. Dig a channel in the core with a sharp knife by slicing delicately the edges of the soft central part.
  5. Stuff the cucumber with the paste.
Eat with the hands, and enjoy !

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